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Conflicting audio outpus: not switching

Trevor Jordan


I have a machine running Windows 10, fully updated. I have a pair of speakers plugged in to the rear jack and d they appear in the audio switching window choices at the bottom right of the screen (Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)) along with my Headset (Plantronics C-310M).

Both the speakers and the headset ping happily when tested in the Sound/Playback Devices window. But the switch doesn't work: I cannot select the headset.

I thought it might be an AMD High Definition Audio Device G246HL which appears in the Playback devices but I uninstalled that to find it came back on rebooting, so I disabled it but to no avail.

I would be very grateful if anyone were able to point me in the right direction to solve this very irritating problem. Thanks in advance



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I have the same issue with my laptop, running Windows 10 (X64) and the only way that I can get the headphone jack to work, is to plug in my headphones, and then go into the speaker icon in system tray,  right click, and choose 'playback devices'.  You see the pop windows and in there you will see your headphones listed, along (in my case) the built in laptop speakers and any other play back devices you may have installed, highlight all the other devices, one by one, right click and disable the, leaving only the headphones.

This forces the playback onto the headphones, the rest of the playback devices will return once you reboot your PC, that's the only caveat to this fix. try this and let us know if this works for you? Good Luck.

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Hi, Martinez,

Thank you for your time. I tried your method, and sadly it didn't work. I then messed around disabling, uninstalling, reinstalling microphones, headphones and speakers, and none of that work either. Until yesterday when, by chance, I discovered that I could switch speakers to headphones just as advertised. Alleluia, I thought, but… Today it doesn't work again. There are times when I absolutely hate computers! I will keep trying of course because when it does what I want it to do, it's a great joy and helps my workflow enormously. But for the moment I have to do some of that work and stop messing about with a hardware. Once again, thank you for your time and your advice. With all good wishes.

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