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Microsoft has been trying to force my computer to install the Win 10 Anniversary Update since it came out. It starts with the usual blue screen updates install and finishes that part. Then on reboot, the black screen comes up with the circle of balls going around. They never stop. I've let it go for an entire day. I do a power button hard shut down and it comes back with text saying it is recovering or continuing the interrupted upgrade. After three hard shutdowns using the power button, it comes back with "reinstalling the old version of Windows 10". Okay, I don't care if I get the anniversary upgrade or not, my computer runs great as long as Microsoft isn't trying to infect it. The problem is the time it takes to clean up the Microsoft screw up. I want the regular security updates, so I don't want to shut off the update downloads and I don't want to keep having this issue where Microsoft is trying to force this update down my computers throat when it won't go. I have an AMD system 64GB ram with 2 Radion Video cards running 3 screens. I am not running a 3rd party AntiVirus. All of the other computers in my house upgraded just fine.

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