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Repair Install of Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade!

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Hi There! Has anyone tried a Repair Install of Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade

  You can do a repair install of Windows 10 by performing an in-place upgrade without losing anything other than all installed Windows Updates!

I would really like to see a blog on how to perform this W10 option by one of our blog writers here on the forum.


PS I tried it once a long time ago and only had to reinstall two;) Apps and Windows Updates! It seemed to act like the first time I upgraded to W10.


Edited by holdum333
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Hi There! Here's the way I do A Repair Install of Windows 10 with a In-place Upgrade!

First I created a Media Creation Tool flash drive. I prefer a PNY flash drive. I recommend at least 8GB.

The MCT now contains the Anniversary update. (That is my understanding)  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10/

Connect and open the USB flash drive, and run the setup.exe file to start Windows 10 Setup. (see screenshot below)


Follow the set up Wizard!

If you have a better way or can explain this better, please post here !




Before you get started doing a repair install of Windows 10, be sure that you temporarily disable secure boot in your UEFI firmware settings. Once installation has finished, you can enable Secure Boot again if you like.

  • System Protection will be reset to the default of being turned off. It is recommended to turn on system restore after the repair install has finished to have restore points.
  • You will lose any custom fonts.
  • You will lose any customized system icons.
  • You may need to re-establish your Wi-Fi connection.
  • You will need to redo Windows updates subsequent to the build you have used for the repair install.
  • Windows.old will be created.
  • You will need to redo any language downloads including the display language if you changed that.
Edited by holdum333
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Wow! I'm totally amazed that no one here is excited about being able to do a in-place Upgrade without losing any thing other than Windows Updates.

This is some thing I have been waiting for from MS to provide for a very long time. I seem to be the only member here that is excited about this new option for W10. W10 has some other great options in their recovery mode; like reset and refresh, but this option is my favorite.

I personally use a 3rd party back up image like Macrium Reflect to protect me from any major problem.

I'm just a newbie and I know nothing about W10, but I love sharing what I do know and what I have learned from others!

Very Strange!:D

PS Wondering how many of you have created a recovery drive and a system repair DVD, in case you find yourself not able to boot into windows. I'm going to rest my brain now. I have done my best to make you aware of these things. That's all I can do!;)but I'll keep trying!


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Yes it would be great if everyone created regular image back ups; but they don't and no matter how many times they are warned, they never listen.

If they did listen, help forums would go out of business; or at least, they would have a lot fewer issues to solve!:D It looks like windows 10 is making it a lot easier to recover from mishaps and that's a good thing IMHO! Nothing beats a Macrium:x back up image!;)

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Hi ! I just had a major problem and was not able to boot into Windows . Here's what I had to do. I had to use the MCT flash and then use Macrium Reflect to get me back up and running with all my Apps. My PC is running just like nothing ever happened. It's running just fine. I'm felling good. Life is good!

I wish everyone could learn to:D do these things. I'm blessed to have learned these things from help forums like this one.;) I will continue to preach, "Make a back up image of your OS" It ain't that hard to do! Good night sports fan!


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