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Change from Chinse Windows 10 to English Windows 10

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My old Dell overheated in China and died.

I bought a new laptop with a Chinese version of Windows 10 pre-installed.

When I start Windows10, it keeps asking me to "activate windows". Also, Windows display message and warnings in Chinese.

Is there anyway I can switch completely back to the English version??

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  • 2 weeks later...

change default system language on Windows 10

If you moved to another region, or you're using your device with the wrong language settings, you don't need to reinstall Windows 10. You only need to change a few settings to set the correct system language.

Turning off language syncing

If you're using a Microsoft account, the language settings will sync across devices. In the case that you're planning to change the region and language settings for one computer, you should disable the option to sync these settings.

To disable language syncing on Windows 10, use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Accounts.
  3. Click on Sync your settings.
  4. Under the "Individual sync settings" section, turn off the "Language preferences" toggle switch.image.thumb.png.69c13ba1a7d90194e7f08c43257a4779.png

Once you complete the steps, you can change the language settings without affecting the settings on other devices.

Changing system language

To change the system language on your computer, close any running applications, and then use these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Time & Language.
  3. Click on Language.
  4. Under the "Preferred languages" section, click the Add a preferred language button.


5.Search for the language that you want to use on Windows 10.

6.Select the language package from the result.


  Click the Next button.

  Check the Set as my display language option.

  Check the Install language pack option.

10·  Check or clear the additional language features as needed.

11·  Click the Install button.



12.Click the Yes, sign out now button.



113.Sign back into your Windows 10 account.

214.Open Settings.

315.Click on Time & Language.

416.Click on Region.

517.Use the "Country or region" drop-down menu to select your geographical location if different from your current settings.

618.Under the "Regional format" section, use the drop-down menu to select the correct formats for dates and times if different from your region.






19.Click on Language.

20. Click the Administrative language settings option from the right pane, under the "Related settings" section.



21.In the "Administrative" tab, click the Copy settings button.



22. Under the "Copy your current settings to" section, check the Welcome screen and system accounts and New user accounts options.


23.   Click the OK button.

24.  Click the OK button again.

25.Click the Restart now button.


After you complete the steps, the language will change across the entire Windows 10 experience, including in the Sign-in screen, Settings app, File Explorer, Desktop, apps, browser and websites you visit will now use the new default language. Also, depending on your new settings, Windows 10 may prompt you to review your privacy settings again.






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I was back in the US and took the opportunity to create a boot USB and re-installed the English version of Windows 10.

There was something really troubling about the pre-installed version, I kept getting this Chinese pop-up with skimpily dressed dancing girls etc. When not connected to wifi, pop-up had no ads, wh en connected, many ads. Ran McAfee and Malwarebytes, couldn't get rid of that pop-up. Now, after installing the English version, I don't have the pop-up and I feel much better.


I would like a deep scan of the laptop, wondering where to get that.

See for yourself.


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  • 3 years later...

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