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Posts posted by holdum333

  1. Hi! I'm thinking maybe they might register on a help forum like this one or the sister forum and post issues they are having with W10.

    Is W10 perfect? No! Do some users have problems up grading? Yes. Is it MS fault some times? Yes. Is it the users fault some times? Yes

    If you have a issue, please post it on the forum and maybe someone here will have a suggestion for you.

  2. 41 minutes ago, allheart55 (Cindy E) said:

    The Wise Uninstaller is a great little piece of software.

    It recognizes both 32 bit and 64 bit programs.

    Thanks Cindy! I use Wise Uninstaller also. I'm thinking you are the one that introduced it to me!

    Welcome to the forum! Thanks Cindy! You beat me to filehippo! That's where I get all my freeware after CNET went rouge with PUPS! Major Geeks is also a good place to get freeware


    • Upvote 1
  3. You might want to do a sfc /scanow and a DSIM to make sure you don't have any file corruption! Corrupted files could cause you not to be able to install windows updates and could cause you a lot more problems!

    Here's a excellent tutorial that should help you!  Please post back if this helped!


    • Upvote 1
  4. Hi there I realize this is a old thread, but guests are clicking on it. If you're not able to install W10 up dates, give this a look!

    Sometimes you may have an issue with Windows Update such as not being able to download or install updates, error messages, not being able to search for new updates, etc. These kind of issues can occur when the Windows Update database or components are corrupted, one or more services related to Windows Update are not running, etc.

    Resetting the Windows Update components and history can usually solve these types of issues.


  5. I wish you the best on your upcoming surgery next week, and a speedy recovery.;) One more post from you about your surgery next week and then you will have the last post on this thread!xD

    I think we are a long way from the title "Amazon Sale"

  6. Hi @Rich-M LMAO! All my clients are seniors and for what they use their computers for; they don't see any change or very little and they love saving a 100$ and getting some thing free. I don't force it on them. I suggest that they upgrade to W10 because I believe in W10. I help them upgrade to W10 and tell them they have 30 days to roll back give me a call, and I'll help roll back. Not one senior has called me and wanted to roll back their OS! In fact they like W10.

    I think we have rode this dead horse to the ground and it's time to move on.;)

  7. Hi @Rich-M FYI The free Revo version doesn't list 64-bit the programs. I prefer other uninstallers.

    The free version of Revo Uninstaller does not offer full 64-bit compatibility which means that it won't list 64-bit programs in its interface.

    That's a serious issue right there as it limits program functionality on 64-bit systems.

    You should know that about the free version of Revo @Rich-M and alert your 500 clients. Here's a lot more good information about removing unwanted programs from groovypost.com

    Here's a link from groovypost( Sister forum to windows10forum);), which has a excellent tutorial on removing programs. One of the best tutorials I have ever seen and one I use! Give this a look!


  8. Hi! There! After rethinking all this; I think I should have tried to boot with the MCT when the PC failed to boot into windows. Any way that will be the thing I will try if I ever have this problem again, and of course I'll create a back up image of the OS first before I try any thing. ;) Some times we learn these things the hard way!

  9. Hi @Judy Welcome to the forum! Here's a link from our forum that you might want to read about your problem! It would also help if you posted the make and model of your computer!

    You may get more replies from other members later!


    Here's another link by @adacosta  How to upgrade to the anniversary version, but the same things apply to this upgrade IMHO!



    If your PC doesn’t meet the system requirements or includes incompatible hardware, it means you won’t be able to upgrade your PC to Windows 10.

    How are you trying to upgrade? Are you using windows updates? You might give this a try!


  10. Hi there! Is anyone having trouble creating a MCT flash drive. The trouble might be that you're using a Sandisk flash drive!

    Here's a good read about that from MS. I don't know if the problem with Sandisk still exists, but it could be the reason you can't create the MCT flash.

    Here's a insert from the MS link below, and if you want to read the entire link, here it is! Would like to hear if anyone here has experienced the problem. I use PNY flashes and have several in my desk drawer that work well for this! Hi @Steve This might warrant a sticky or some thing to alert our members to this problem with Sandisk



    I was having the exact same issue reported here.  I read in another forum about Windows not recognizing Sandisk drives for the creation of recovery drives, with the recommendation to try another brand.  I just succeeded in creating my Win10 installation USB drive simply by using the only non-Sandisk thumb drive I had, which happened to be a Toshiba.  It worked on one of the front USB 3.0 ports on my system, too!


    So, it appears that, for some mysterious reason, Windows 8.1 (maybe other versions as well) will happily recognize Sandisk USB drives, write to them, and read from them, but won't create recovery drives or installation drives on them.

  11. Hey friend! I'm wondering if we could see a members list any time soon. We seem to have a lot of guests registering on the forum. Some are old friends and it would be cool to see a list of registered members. Unless it's a secret LOL!;)

  12. 1 hour ago, Rich-M said:

    What do you mean I don't like Amazon or eBay? I am a Prime member at Amazon and I have a Feedback of 1893 on eBay and I don't like them? I don't understand where you get that.  I think their promotional attempts are second rate but that doesn't mean I don't use them heavily because I do. I dislike HP printers not all HP and I dislike Dell consumer division computers but have the greatest respect for the Small Business Division. Something tells me you jump to conclusions very quickly based on an unimportant remark or two.

    I just try to read what is posted and I try not to jump to conclusions. You can dislike what ever you choose I like my 4 year old HP printer. I hate it when I have to buy ink for it. The cartridges are very expensive. I ran a Dell desk top for years. It's still running in Golden Oaks library with XP. The seniors use it to play games on. It does not connect to the internet . I have another Dell with W7 on it that the seniors can use to surf the web. I donated both. The one with W7 was given to me by a friend; that belonged to his mother in law. I would put more PC's in the library, but there isn't room for any more. I keep both maintained for the seniors to use. The seniors call me Gary the computer guy, and I love that! Lots of hugs and thank yous! Lots of peach cobblers. Soon they'll call Me Gary the fat guy that works on computers. LMAO

  13. Hi! @Rich-M I have no idea what you're saying! What is a real start menu? What is a "Metro" page?? How much time have you spent running W10?

    Are you going to keep building new PC's for clients and not install W10 on them? There's no need to empty any thing out and recreate it. The W10 start menu is great like it is. Not that much different from W7 IMHO! What is a lead into programs??No need to buy it. The upgrade is free, but only for a few more days, and then W10 is 100$+


  14. Hi @Rich-M Here's a good read from HTG about bloatware. The PC Decrapifier won't get all of it, but it will get a bunch! This freeware is recommended on several help forums, but you should use with discretion, just as you should do with any program that chances your OS!


    I know you always create back up images so this should work well for you and your 500 clients!

  15. Here you go @Rich-M  http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/pc-decrapifier/

    Please use this freeware with discretion. It is very powerful. Always create a back up of your OS before using a tool like this. I recommend that you only remove the Recommended crapware as seen in my screen shot!

    Is your PC running slow? Even brand new PCs often come with LOTS of pre-installed software that can cause that new machine to come to a crawl. Not to mention all of the annoying pop-ups! Others may have a PC that's a couple years old and we're the ones that installed a bunch of junk! It happens to the best of us. We try a bunch of programs over time and forget to remove them.

    The PC Decrapifier is here to help! It's a free tool for you to use that helps remove programs, unnecessary startup items and icons that can slow down your PC. It takes you step by step, giving you recommendations on what to remove, many of which can be removed unattended. Head over to the download page to get started!


  16. Hi! Yes I have seen all those links before! My problem was you seemed to pick out HP. My question is still. "How would you know if HP software was putting spyware on your PC. Possibly- Yahoo tool bar. Yahoo tool bar tries to install all the time, but it's very easy to uninstall. Here read this!

    ASK tool bar is the one that will give you a lot of grief. http://www.howtogeek.com/138516/the-shameful-saga-of-uninstalling-the-terrible-ask-toolbar/

    Whew. After reading that page, you’ll learn that you can head to Control Panel –> Uninstall Programs and easily remove the terrible Ask Toolbar from your system. I guess it’s not malware after all. (Though it’s pretty close, if you want to be honest).

  17. Hi! There! Do you think you might be infected by malware or viruses! Here's some things that you might experience if you have them. If you are experiencing any of these, you might want to scan your PC!  Here's some free programs that will do that!


    Some indications your computer might be affected by spyware, adware, or browser hijacking software include the following symptoms:
    • The computer takes longer to boot to the Windows desktop.
    • Applications will not load or frequently stop responding.
    • Frequent system error messages.
    • Unfamiliar icons are added to the desktop.
    • Generally slow system performance, especially while browsing the Internet.
    • Browser windows close unexpectedly or stop responding.
    • The browser home page changes and cannot be reset.
    • Pop-up windows display more frequently and/or when the browser is not open.
    • Unfamiliar toolbars are added to the browser.
    • Default web search engine has changed.
    • Clicking a web link does nothing, or goes to an unrelated website.
    • Webpages are automatically added to your favorites list.
    • Email messages or social media posts are sent from your account without your knowledge.
    • Unexpected and near constant hard disk access.


  18. Hey @Rich-M Thanks for the detailed description. You are the only person I have ever known that had to replace Hard Drives every 1-2 years. Now they are lasting 8-10 years because you started shutting down your PCs. This is the first I have ever heard that HP software has known spyware and installs Yahoo Toolbar and other unwanted programs. Yes they may have software that you may not want, but you can opt out of those. I know that adding things like that have become popular with several manufactures these days, and they are really getting bad when installing freeware. You have to be very careful and watch for PUPs.   I don't keep track of how many seniors I help here at Golden Oaks with their PCs and printers, but I have never seen the spyware issue before. How would you know the spyware was in the HP software? I have registered on more help forums then the law allows and I have never seen anyone complain about HP software installing spyware on their PC's. In my 12 years of being in the computer world, I have had two computers. A Dell desktop that ran XP and my Toshiba laptop that was just upgraded from W7.1 to W10. With my health like it is, there's not a lot I can do. I spend way to much time on help forums passing forward  things I have learned from others; and can still remember LOL. I learn some thing new every day and forget 10 things I have learned before. I'm no expert and I've never repaired printers or PCs for a living. I'm just a old country boy that loves people and they love me back. The hugs, goodies and the smiles are  all the pay I need. Help forums like this are where I spend a lot of time, and you even get thanked every once in awhile for helping someone.

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