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Black screen for Windows 10


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After using the laptop for two to three hours, the screen suddenly turns black. Initially I could wake up the screen by pressing Windows key plus ctrl key plus shift key plus B. But now it's not working. I have to switch off by pressing the power button. 

How to solve this?

I have never had this problem until recently. It's persistent.

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Hi guys, I’m also having this same issue on a fresh built pc. The other night I was trying to update windows and it took nearly 3 hours to get to 46% and then it just stopped and said schedule a restart. I clicked restart now and then after it rebooted it was at the blue windows screen saying it’s updating and said this pc will restart several times. After about 5-10 mins of updating it did one restart and the screen just stayed black for about 1-2 hours if not more. So I just shut it down and waited till today and now everytime I boot up it gets past the initial bios set up screen then just goes to a black screen. I already read through the link @Brian Burgess you sent & I tried getting into safe mode but even after the 3 on and off boots It won’t go into diag mode. So I really need some help here to dissect this problem. What could I possibly do in order to get windows working correctly ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a similar issue with a Lenovo H530 Desktop. Black Screen on boot.  System takes from 45 minutes to 3 hours+ before I can login. I have tried booting into bios and ran 2 boot scans for virus. Also done complete recovery with win 10. In addition, I have checked cmos battery and reset cmos jumper setting, replaced hard drive and monitor as well as ran  checks for faulty win10 drivers without success.  In a nutshell, I am at my wits end. I turn system on and the monitor is dark for seconds and then displays 'Check Signal Cable' continuously until the monitor awakes at a much later time. While the monitor is dark, you can see activity on the disk drive indicator as well as hear the drive. When the monitor does show the windows splash screen, you can hear the noticeable quieting of the hard drive. I can then log in and do what ever I wish on the system. If I turn the system off, it will be another hour or two before it will work again. I hope that someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you for the time.


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