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re-installing win10

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So, I've got a 1tb HDD and a 120g ssd. I have win10 pro 1709 on both BUT I messed something up stupidly deleting things in the registry a few months ago on my ssd, causing it to randomly just restart out of nowhere or freeze. Now I'm running off of my HDD but I've recently realized that some apps and games are acting weird and the computer will randomly shut off again.

When I try to do a system reset it's not letting me, I'm not sure at all how to go about this.


Thanks in advance 

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It sounds like your Windows installation on both your HDD and SSD may be corrupted, and you are experiencing issues such as random restarts and freezes. Here are some steps you can take to try to resolve these issues:

Run a disk check:
Open File Explorer and right-click on the drive you want to check (either HDD or SSD).
Click on "Properties" and then select the "Tools" tab.
Under "Error checking," click on "Check" and then follow the prompts to scan your disk for errors.
Perform a clean install of Windows:
Back up any important files on your computer to an external drive or cloud storage service.
Create a Windows 10 installation media using the Media Creation Tool from the official Microsoft website.
Boot your computer from the installation media and follow the prompts to perform a clean install of Windows 10 on your SSD or HDD.
Replace your faulty SSD:
If the above steps do not work, it's possible that your SSD is failing and needs to be replaced.
You can purchase a new SSD and install Windows on it, or you can replace the SSD and reinstall Windows on the new drive.


Rachel Gomez

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