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Windows 10 pro automatic shutdowns

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Hello Support,

I'm using windows 10 pro, my desktop gets automatic shutdowns randomly everyday(1/2 times a day). while restarting, it opens without any error. Couldn't get the reason behind this problem.

I have recently migrated from windows 7 to windows 10. My desktop technical info is as follows:

Manufacturer: AMD Phenom || X2 Processor 3.30 GHz


OS: Windows 10 PRo 64 bit

Motherboard: Biostar Group / TA880GB+

Facing this problem since 1 month. Cpu temperatures remains below 60 C. Didn't know the nature of this issue. Please help.



Rajesh Kumar

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HI @rajeshkc681 - So during the day, your system will just randomly do a shutdown? Have you looked at your event logs and reviewed system and application logs?

Windows Key + R > Type eventvwr > Windows Logs > System or Application

I would start here. It should show some info regarding the shutdown. Let us know back here what you find.

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