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Exes stop executing after a while


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I have a Lenovo Ideapad 11S, and my OS is Windows 10. After using it for some time, suddenly all the executables (exes) stop working. Even the windows commands like reboot, task manager etc. dont start at all. The Windows menu continues to function, but on clicking the buttons nothing happens. The only thing i can do is a hard reboot. After the reboot, the problems go away for some time, and then reappear again.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like something on your box is messing with your file association table. That's not good.  Make sure to do a full sweep of your system. Could be a virus/malware...

If you goto the command prompt when this is happening, type:

assoc .exe

If should look like this:


If it doesn't you can fix it using this command (launch cmd.exe using admin) and then reboot.

assoc .exe=exefile

You can also mess around in the registry using this as a guide - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2688326/can-t-open--exe-files-in-windows-7-or-windows-vista


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Hi Steve,

Thanks for your response.

After I read through some posts on other forums, I tried to recollect what has changed since when this problem started. I then remembered that I had installed a paid version of the application https://www.enigmasoftware.com/products/spyhunter/ that is used to remove malware. I shut it down from the task manager. Since then the problem seem to vanish 001.png.

I wrote to Spyhunter support, and they responded back by asking me to switch off a feature of that app called "System Guard". After doing this problem did not reoccur. I am ofcourse writing to them to fix this issue, since by switching off of this feature, I am losing the functionality of blocking malicious processes from executing on my laptop.

I think we can consider this problem to be resolved.  I there are other members struggling with the same problem and maybe this thread can help.


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