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Add Legacy Hardware

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Hi.   I have a Lenovo Ideapad 110 laptop.  I purchased a new cellular phone and wanted to transfer the music from the SD card to the laptop but every time I connected it to the laptop I got the message that the USB device wasn't recognized. I went to the phone manufacturer site, found the appropriate model and attempted to download the ABD driver manually (not flashing) and this is where I learned I didn't have Add Legacy Hardware option in device manager.. I read further  and found I needed to add an AMD Display Legacy driver (?).  i accessed two distinct sets of instructions, only one   of which I sort of understood and that was to update the display adapter, which I did. From that point on, it was all Greek to me.

It must be pretty evident I know very little in terms of terminology.  I am able to follow directions fairly well provided they're given as if they were being given to a first grader.  I would appreciate anyone's assistance who can instruct me on how to accomplish my goal with very simplistic instructions.

Lastly, when the laptop recognizes the cellular device, is there any way to transfer what's on the SD card via Bluetooth, and if so, how is that accomplished?

Thanks for your help!


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