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Windows 10 Boot Partition Expansion

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I have an ASUS Windows 10 desktop. Originally had 1 single 1 TB drive. I made two partition on it but my C:\ drive is now running out of space. I installed a 3 TB and moved the D:\ drive partition to the second drive. I deleted the old D:\ drive partition and now have enough space to expand the C:\ drive. But the disk manager does not give me the option to expand it. I see multiple small recovery partitions each around 100 MB in between the large partitions. Those are hidden partitions. Question:
1. Are those recovery partition created by Windows OS or Asus BIOS. I read somewhere that those are created by the EFI BIOS?
2. Can I delete the one between the C:\ and the "unallocated partition", and be safe. This is the only way I can think of to bring the two partition next to each other in hope that Disk Manager would concatenate them and expand the C:\ drive.
The Drive allocation are currently as follow:
Disk 0: Dynamic Disk
800 MB, Healthy (Recovery Partion) || 260 MB Healthy (EFI System Partition) || Windows C:\ 149 GB NTFS, Healthy (Boot, crash dump) || 350 MB Healthy (Recovery partition) || 761 GB Unallocated || 19 GB Healthy (Recovery Partition)
I appreciate if anyone can help me with this.


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