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Links fail in W10

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Using Windows 10, build 14393.1066  using  3 browsers Fx, Edge and Chrome will not open links intermittently, possibly 1 third of the time. An empty browser window appears with an empty address slot.

However, selecting the link “Click Here” (for example), and dragging the words "Click Here" or even an entire TITLE link up to the address bar opens the site as it should. The fact that this occurs with 3 browsers suggests a Windows problem, not a browser problem.  I did uninstall "Classic Shell" and Winaero Tweaker without effect.
Any advice on stopping this behavior will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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I installed this version 3 days ago in my problem has only occurred once.


"2017-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4016871"


I’m guessing that means it’s fixed.


I appreciate the advice.  Thank you. Mark as solved.
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