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Install Windows 10 Education

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I just bought a NUC for for my home office - NUC6i7KYK with a 250GB SSD and 16GB DDR4 Ram. I have a copy of Windows 10 Education that freezes about 90% of the way through install. I waited about 30 minutes and rebooted - the Windows screen display but with Guest User and I can't sign on.

Is there something special I'm supposed to do with the SSD before installing? 

Is this problem related to the EDU version of the software? The windows comparison shows it to be the most powerful version but if it wont work I'll get the Win 10 Pro version. 

Thx for your help! 




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On 4/8/2017 at 1:05 PM, sphiller said:


I just bought a NUC for for my home office - NUC6i7KYK with a 250GB SSD and 16GB DDR4 Ram. I have a copy of Windows 10 Education that freezes about 90% of the way through install. I waited about 30 minutes and rebooted - the Windows screen display but with Guest User and I can't sign on.

Is there something special I'm supposed to do with the SSD before installing? 

Is this problem related to the EDU version of the software? The windows comparison shows it to be the most powerful version but if it wont work I'll get the Win 10 Pro version. 

Thx for your help! 




All versions have the same level of compatibility across the board. What I am suspecting is, your install media might actually be corrupt. I would download a fresh copy then try again. See the following for instructions where to download a new copy of Windows 10 Education then try again:

List of all Windows 10 Creators Update Download Options

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