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windows 10 stuck at spinning blue dots


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Hi, i'm sorry i have to start this topic since i can't find solution elsewhere.

i messed up my permissions on C: drive - security. i accidentally press cancel since i don't know what am i doing. after i press cancel, i only see my user name alone there. no system, no administrator, no nothing, just my user name.

and then, i restart my system. boom, i can't login. stuck in blue screen with spinning dots. i try to press ctrl+alt+del, still no login input. then i try hold shift+restart. just go straight to reboot system. i mean, no troubleshoot option.

and i download ISO windows 10. i try to recovery startup, but no chance. just back to spinning dots.

so, the only option i could do is access command prompt but i don't know what to do.

please any help? i've been searcing for solution days by now.

thank you in advance

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