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Windows 10 blocks whole Wi-Fi network


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Hi everyone!  

Please help me to solve next issue with my Win10:

1) my laptop configuration is next: http://h20564.www2.hp.com/hpsc/doc/public/display?docId=emr_na-c03375765
It is HP envy sleekbook 6-1058er

2) Windows 10 was installed from scratch ( it was not installed over other windows version)
all drivers are OK ( some drivers were used from Win8 due there are no drivers for Win10 for this laptop), there is no un-recognized devices in device manager. 

initially, all worked fine but two months ago ( probably after some windows updates ) problems with wi-fi starts:

3) any web-page opens very-very-very slowly ( for different browsers), there are problems in skype/viber connectivity 
4) if wi-fi is turned on my laptop any other devices (phone, tab, etc) are not able to connect to the wi-fi network. if wi-fi is turned off my laptop all other devices work with wifi very well. I even cannot open router administration web-page from my notebook ...
5) WireShark doesn't show any strange traffic from my laptop 

I don't know how to solve this issue, even think to move to Ubuntu 

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