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Windows 10 and Locky virus


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I have Windows 10, made a backup on Sept 2016, on an external harddrive.

Recently got trapped with the Ransomware Locky virus, some files encrypted and no success in saving them.

I tried to run my backup drive and file, but for some unexplained reason, my current Win 10 will not/does not recognize it.

Any suggestions?

I got to one page/info box that said the external drive was not NTFS format, and yet, I have not changed the format on the desktop since upgrading to win 10. and making the backup.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yikes... when you get hit with a Virus... all bets are off @HTK. You could try to plug the external drive into another machine however you risk infecting that system with the virus again.

It's possible the data on that drive is encrypted also and it's a total loss for you. 

When you go into Windows Disk Manager (Open Windows Explorer > Right Click This Computer > Manage > Disk Management) what do you see? Is the drive there and does it have a drive letter assigned?

This is a classic case for why I tell all my readers to use a cloud, offsite backup service.

My personal favorite is Crashplan. Crashplan allows you to backup unlimited amounts of data and then keep unlimited versions of each file. So even if the files get encrypted or infected with a virus and then that files is backed up, the older version of the file is still available. It's a lifesaver. 

Full write-up from our main blog here: http://www.groovypost.com/reviews/crashplan-quality-online-backup/

Sorry man, let me know how you're doing with this!



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