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Windows 10 media creation tool can't find USB

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Hi there! Is anyone having trouble creating a MCT flash drive. The trouble might be that you're using a Sandisk flash drive!

Here's a good read about that from MS. I don't know if the problem with Sandisk still exists, but it could be the reason you can't create the MCT flash.

Here's a insert from the MS link below, and if you want to read the entire link, here it is! Would like to hear if anyone here has experienced the problem. I use PNY flashes and have several in my desk drawer that work well for this! Hi @Steve This might warrant a sticky or some thing to alert our members to this problem with Sandisk



I was having the exact same issue reported here.  I read in another forum about Windows not recognizing Sandisk drives for the creation of recovery drives, with the recommendation to try another brand.  I just succeeded in creating my Win10 installation USB drive simply by using the only non-Sandisk thumb drive I had, which happened to be a Toshiba.  It worked on one of the front USB 3.0 ports on my system, too!


So, it appears that, for some mysterious reason, Windows 8.1 (maybe other versions as well) will happily recognize Sandisk USB drives, write to them, and read from them, but won't create recovery drives or installation drives on them.

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