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gmail on Win 10 not working


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Two of my 3 gmail accounts work fine on my Win10 PC (OS installed yesterday without my specific consent - 'over' Win 8.1).  My 'third' gmail account WILL NOT OPEN (not synced - whatever that is). (On my other [Win 7] PC, this same gmail account works fine; while a different gmail account is the one that won't open).    Have tried all 'settings' options that were mentioned online, etc (everything seemed to be set up "OK" when I checked). This problem had been noted/ reported online as a problem circa July 2015.  My Win 10 is up to date. 

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You may probably want to re-configure Gmail with Windows 10.


Setup Windows 10 Mail App

Launch the mail app and click the gear icon in the lower left corner, and go to Settings > Accounts.


Next you’ll see the email you use for your Microsoft Account to log in – click Add Account.

Mail App Windows 10

That brings up a list of the most popular email services. Click the one you want to add…in this case I am adding a Gmail account.


That brings up the Google login screen – enter your account and password.


If you have Google Two-Factor Authentication enabled – and everyone should be using it, wait for your confirmation code and verify your account.


Accept the agreement of what the Mail app will need to access from your account.


That’s it! Now you will have your Gmail account available in the Mail app. Your inbox will sync, and you are good to go.

Inbox Mail App Windows 10




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