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  • 2 weeks later...

How are you connecting them? Are you using HomeGroup to connect all the systems?

For troubleshooting, I would start with the basics. Hit Windows+R and run CMD. This will open a command prompt. From there, do an IPCONFIG to get the IP address for each of your boxes.

Ping 10-1 from the 10-2 box and vice versa. Any issues? This will start the process. Ping good?

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  • 1 month later...

For transferring data from one computer to another computer, there are many ways suggested. Among those ways, using the basic Ethernet network is really an easiest way to transfer the data from one computer to another computer by making link between them. It can only be possible when both the computers contain network cards which are properly configured.

·         First of all, you have to learn how to make a connection between two desktops, laptops, or desktop and laptop using the hub or switch, and the crossover cable.

·         You need to get the crossover cable, hub, or switch. If you are using this type of crossover cable, you should remember that it has to be different from the standard Ethernet cable.

·         Both transmitting and receiving are not running straight through this cable. Instead, the transmitting cables are just connected to the receiving cables in order to form one closed loop between two computers.

·         After that, it is compulsory to plug this crossover cable into the network cards of both the computers or use it to make a connection to the switch or hub. It is essential to make sure that the link indicators on the network card show the connection.

·         Now, you have to start both the computers and allow their Windows operating systems to boot.

·         Then, you need to go Start - > Control Panel - > Network Connections

·         Right click on the local area connection label and select the properties option.

·         In the current window, you have to choose the internet protocol TCP/IP label and click on the properties.

·         In the IP address field, you have to type, is for the subnet mask.

·         You must repeat all these steps in another computer and click on OK. Reboot both computers to establish the connection between them.

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  • 5 months later...

I have gotten extremely annoyed with networking between different versions of Windows. Here is my alternative -

If your router has a USB slot, shove a USB thumb drive into it.

Install this program in all of your Computers -  EF Commander Free 9.50


In each computer navigate the left pane to your Thumb drive. Leave them all pointing to the Thumb drive permanently.

Every other File Manager I have tried, stutters and stumbles when attempting to browse my network. EF Commander gives me instant access every time.

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