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Unable to install Win10. Help Please

Guest EricGE

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I have an Acer Aspire Netbook, used for Freecell etc, for viewing powerpoint presentations and for occasional letter writing. I have been unable to download or install win10 even though MS say it is OK to do so. Attempted download via WIN10 Icon goes on for several hours without stopping. Downloading via Windows Updates gives a screen with green update bar which gets to 23% and stops at that point for several hours. Checking Windows Update records there are many update failures (which must have occurred when playing Freecell) Is this the cause of my troubles and how can I overcome them?

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Guest Edwin009

Hello Eric,

Try the following steps:
Press the Windows key + R on the keyboard.
Type: services.msc and click on ok.
Stop the following services: Background Intellegence Transfer Service; Cryptographic Service; Windows Update Service. (to stop the services, right click on the service and click on Stop)
Once the services are disabled clear the contents of the following folders:
C:\windows\SoftwareDistribution & c:\Windows\system32\catroot2.
Once the contents are deleted, restart the services. (to start the services, right click on the service and click on Start).
Once services are restarted, restart the computer.
Disable security software and try the upgrade through Windows Updates.
If it fails, press Windows key + R on the keyboard.
Type windowsupdate.log and click on OK.
A notepad will open up. Copy the contents of the notepad and paste it as a reply for further analysis.


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