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Downgrading Windows 10 to Windows 8.1


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I want to downgrade windows 10 to windows 8.1. I am doing this in 30 after updating to windows 10 and doing it from "Go back to Windows 8.1" option shown in Recovery option. Will it delete my whole data or it will revert to as I used windows 8.1 before and my data will be also there?

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Your data should be there. However, you always want to make sure that you back up your important data before doing an update or downgrade. You can never have too many backups.

You might want to check out our guide on the process to help you out before doing it:


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Guest Unfranchise33

I reverted back to 8.1 from windows 10, but now I am down 40GB of space and now my C: (SSD drive) is now full. Does anyone know what windows 10 left on my machine and where to delete it? I already looked at doing a disk cleanup and system file cleanup, that did not find the extra files :(

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