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Conversion problem

Guest wombat1417

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Guest wombat1417

I finally gave in and downloaded the upgrade.

Now, I'm on a blue screen that says "Welcome to Windows 10!", my name and a "next" button.

I push it, the compute reboots and takes me back to the blue welcome screen again.

This has happened six times now, and shows ho sign of stopping.

What do I do now?

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As is the case for all OS updates, things can and do go wrong.

Can you give us more information on your system? Make, model...etc.

Also, are you upgrading from Windows 7 or 8.1?

I have had a similar situation happen to me once, and I've installed and reinstalled Windows 10 a hundred times. To fix it, I just reverted back to Windows 7 or 8.1 and restarted the process.

Always make sure to back up everything before an upgrade. Also, always make yourself a Recovery Flash Drive, it's quick and easy.

Here are a few articles you might want to check out for additional information:





Good luck! And let us know how things go!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Woodlane

Hi, I am having a similar problem, only my install happened on its own without my starting it... which meant I wasn't able to back up anything. I spoke to three people who said there was nothing they could do, other than that I would need to go to the manufacturer of my motherboard and get it fixed (and nothing was said about how I would pay for said service). I was told my motherboard (a Z87-G45 from MSi that is two years old) isn't compatible... so why did it automatically put Windows 10 on the machine?

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@Woodlane In reply to your email query...first what I would try is resetting your password, for more on that read this article:


Provided you're successful with that, you can then revert your Windows 10 upgrade to the previous version. And for more on that check out our guide:


Hope this helps.

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