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dvd drives don't work


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I am new to this forum, Hi, to everybody. I am running Windows 10 Pro, I upgraded from Windows 7 Pro. It is on my desktop with with a tri core CPU that is AMD Phenom, 6Gb's ram and a G Force 8600 Video card and 2 monitors. I have tried a couple of things to get the dvd drives to work but to no avail. I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers and then tried this, I ran a script that I downloaded from the internet that put this in windows registry, new folder under HKEY_Local_Machine\System\Current Control Set\Services\atapi, then create a new folder called Controller0 then you right click, click on new and then type, 'EnumDevice' as REGDWORD, then modify it to binary 1 hex, save, exit regedit and restart computer. The script that I downloaded from the internet would do all that because I am not comfortable doing anything to the registry. I went into Device Manager and under Properties for both says they are working fine, I then clicked on event tab and found that both were not migrated over. My question is, how do I proceed from here.

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Have you installed the latest updates for both Windows and the drivers from the device manufacturers?

Microsoft removed DVD support back with Windows 8 and it's still not available in 10. To play DVDs, you need to use a third-party program...the best is VLC. You can read more here:


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