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Has the free Window 10 download been updated?


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I installed Windows 10 on my desktop about a month ago. All went well except on the last of a series or reboots. All the elements of my desktop, the background, icons, start button, task bar, etc. kept disappearing and reappearing at random and I couldn't select anything and a right click had no effect. My keyboard worked and a Ctrl + Alt + Del would get me to the task manager. I let this go on for over 2 hours thinking that Windows was installing various features and they were responsible for the disappearing/reappearing act. I was able to revert to my Windows 7 configuration successfully.

So I'm curious to know, if that was normal. Also, if I download and install Windows 10 again, will it be the same version or will it be an updated version?

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  • 1 month later...

Microsoft released an update to Windows 10 in November called the 'November Update' or 1511. If you have been running the July Public Build (10240), the November Update will be installed automatically. There have been reports of the update breaking drivers. If you are experiencing a flashing desktop after logging in, some things you can try include:

Uninstall your Antivirus.

Uninstall your Display adapter.

•Log out and go to the sign in screen.

•Hold down the shift key on your keyboard while clicking the Power button on the screen.

•Continue to hold down the shift key while clicking Restart.

•Continue to hold down the shift key until the Advanced Recovery Options menu appears.

•Click Troubleshoot

•Click Advanced options

•Click Startup Settings

•Click Restart

•Press (4) to Enable Safe Mode

•Wait while Windows 10 starts in safe mode.

•Log in

•Press Windows key + X

•Click Device Manager

•Expand Display Adapter

•Right click your Display adapter and click Uninstall

•Exit Device Manager


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