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Cookies requirement prevents login

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In a very similar forum that MIGHT be related to the one in which I am now posting : http://www.windows10forums.com/forums/windows-10-support.5/, when I try to login, I am blocked with the message that I need to enable cookies (shown in the first attachment), despite the fact that I have enabled them (shown in the second attachment). The URL in the second attachment was 'chosen' by the dialog, from the URL I pasted into the bar for 'Address of website', a feature of the latest Firefox browser. What option do I now have ?

The browser crashed, and when this post reappeared, the Tags and the attachments were gone. So I have uploaded the attachments to




Forgive me for this addendum that is unrelated to the TITLE

I had difficulty creating an account, so I logged in with Google; but I would like to have a viable user name and password for my account here. I seem unable to achieve that from my profile. Can it be done  ? if so HOW ?



Edited by Sebastian42
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In THIS forum, I can only sign-in 'with Google' which is NOT my preference.

In the forum about which I made my post,


TODAY I could log in, but when I tried to SUBMIT a post,

I got the message shown in the attachment,

which no longer mentions cookies, but is nevertheless disabling.

So to your question 'You still good ?', I have to reply 'NO IMPROVEMENT'.







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