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Quickest and easiest way to save from Onedrive to local folders


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I have what I think is a very simple question, but I haven't been able to find the answer online. Basically, whenever I want to save files from my Onedrive to a folder on my computer, I select the file in Onedrive, then click on Download, open that file, then Save As. 

This is a little time consuming. Is there a way of saving it to my computer without opening it?

Many thanks for your help.

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On 11/21/2023 at 9:36 PM, Steve K. said:

Hi Neil,

Why exactly are you trying to copy the file to a new location? Just open the file, and it will download from OneDrive, and you can use it as needed. You don't need to copy it anywhere unless you want to make a copy of it and have two different files.

The reason is because I have two laptops, one for home, the other for travel. The files in question contain macros, which don't work on the online apps. I'm using One drive merely for storage.

Since posting, I notice that I can open the One drive app on my laptop, and if it's updated with the latest versIon, I can copy and paste to the local drive. But often it hasn't updated itself to the latest versIon.

Now you understand the reason for my question, are you able to offer a solution?


Edited by Neil
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Instead of clicking on the "Download" button, you can use the "Download" option from the right-click context menu. Here's how you can do it:

- Open your OneDrive account in a web browser and sign in if prompted.

- Navigate to the folder containing the file you want to save.

- Right-click on the file you want to save. This should open a context menu.

- In the context menu, select the "Download" or "Save target as" option (the exact wording may vary depending on your browser).

- Choose the location on your computer where you want to save the file and click "Save" or "OK."


There is another way by using a copy tool like GS Richcopy 360 and Syncback, both are GUI and can be set to achieve your requirement in this question in a few steps.

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