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Laptop Will not Turn on

Go to solution Solved by Steve K.,


Hello! I'm hoping you can help me. :/


I have a windows 10(laptop), I recently went to Cancun and after a night or two I go to turn it on and it doesn't. No LEDs no noise nothin. I hold the power button, try different outlets, try without the cord, try taking the battery pack out. Blowing on it. Everything. The only sign of life is a little LED at the bottom of my computer that shows a power signal usually Indicating the laptop is plugged in, it's on no mater what. Plugged in or not. 


Any ideas? I'd rather not pay a whole bunch of money to get it fixed. 

Also I may have posted this in the wrong chat. I'm desperate it's been almost 2 months. 


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In cases like this one, if it's plugged in and it still will not power on, the issue is probably something that is going to cost money. Nothing you can do other than take it in and get a quote on a repair. And if you're doing this from Mexico, not good... Probably wait until you get home.

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