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MoUSO Core Worker Process


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I am relatively new to Windows 10. This morning my computer seemed ever so slightly slower than it had been. In looking at the task manager the memory usage was at 30% which is higher than usual. The major contributor is  MoUSO Core Worker Process at 2219.2 MB and it is quiescent whenever I check.

606292546_Screenshot2021-06-01072302.jpg.f916451f3271a74383fa85638607c69b.jpgShould it always reside in memory just waiting to occasionally spring into action or does its continual presence indicate that there is a problem? I ask because this seems to be a departure from how my system had been operating.

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Hi @fcb - That appears to not be something you need to worry about. My guess is, your system is doing an update of some sort. Here's some additional detail from groovyPost.com



MoUsoCoreWorker.exe is a replacement file for wuauclt.exe related to Windows updates. A long and complicated name for a file, the part of the file name ‘Uso’ stands for; Update Session Orchestrator. The file is located in C:\Windows\System32. In short, it is a Windows system file.


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