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Windows turns back on in sleep mode randomly.


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Hi everyone

I am facing this very strange issue from a few days. I am using my laptop with windows 10 1909 installed as clean format (not upgrade from previous version).

When i have to leave my desk, i close the lid and the system goes to sleep mode. The power light remains on as the laptop is connected to charger and the HDD/SSD light starts blinking and that's when i know that system is now on sleep mode. But from few days, Randomly it would turn back on (even though the lid is closed)  and i hear fans turning on, display still off and i then open the lid to see that it is on welcome screen. 

At first i thought, it is battery issue as my battery was quite old one and i went and bought a new battery but now it seems that it is not the battery issue, otherwise why would the system be turning on itself randomly when there has been no tinkering with power settings. Can anyone please suggest what is going on?

Additional info: I checked BIOS to see the wake on LAN or USB or something like that, but no, there is no change in that and those options are closed. I checked the power options but apparently i couldn't find any option that would turn the system back on while being on sleep mode.

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