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Guidance required for upgrading from HDD to SSD

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I am trying to upgrade my laptop from HDD to SSD and adding 4gb more ram to make it total of 8gb but there are some concerns for which I need your help. I will be putting this hard drive into optical bay using a caddy and install an SSD in place of HDD. My HDD is formatted as MBR (checked it in diskpart) and UEFI is turned OFF in BIOS. I am using "legacy" boot option. My laptop is an i3 4010U (3mb cache) and 4gb ram.
I read somewhere on the internet that using GPT will enhance performance. I wanted to know:
1. If I format SSD with GPT and keep HDD on MBR, will it work fine? (HDD has data which can't be moved).
2. Do I need to turn on UEFI in BIOS or legacy boot will be able to handle the GPT SSD?
3. Upgrading to SSD and 8gb ram, will it be enough for a way better performance or the 3mb processor cache will become bottleneck while using heavy applications such as Photoshop, illustrator, premiere pro. 
Please help me with this as I am not much of tech-savvy person regarding these things.

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  • 3 years later...

The process of upgrading your laptop to SSD is fairly simple if you have easy access to your hard drive via a removable panel on the bottom of the laptop. If you have an Ultrabook or your laptop doesn't have that kind of easy upgrade access (eg, the bottom panel is sealed), it's a whole different ballgame, and you'll need to consult your laptop manual for instructions on getting to that drive and finding the right replacement drive. Otherwise, this tutorial will help those of you with the removable panel through preparing your laptop, cloning your system, and making the big swap.

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