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Start Menu search item scoots away from mouse

Guest svs95

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Guest svs95

When I type a search in the Start Menu, as soon as I move a mouse over to the item I want from the search list, it always scoots away (down by about a single line of text) just as I'm about to click on it. Very annoying!

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I have noticed this in the last few builds too.

Your best bet is to report it via the Windows Feedback app, and I would imagine it will be fixed by the final build.

From now until the final version, being released on July 29th, Microsoft will be fixing a ton of these types of bugs, and making UI improvements.

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Guest svs95

In fact, in 10130, it's fixed. First, I had to do live chat with a MS tech to get Windows Feedback working (arghh!) which required a 2-step shuffle with a PowerShell script and an elevated cmd batch file! Now that that's straightened out, and the update finished downloading and installing, I find that the issue is resolved.

BTW, he told me that 10130 is basically the RTM, although there will be a Windows Update to flesh it out a little. But what you see in 10130 is what you'll get in RTM.

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