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allheart55 (Cindy E)

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Posts posted by allheart55 (Cindy E)

  1. 9 minutes ago, Profiler said:

    It means to check every step of install in case unwanted programs are offered.

    Ahh, of course it does. That brings to mind another small but handy piece of software.

    One that Gary actually turned me on to, Unchecky.

    It prevents that unwanted/bundled crap from trying to install.

    It unchecks the boxes that will allow it. Great program!


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  2. 12 minutes ago, ShockerSH said:

    No idea. This is what I saw and it made me think huh (see below)


    Never used it personally so wanted to check it out.

    No, I don't use facebook. And yeah, I know I'm being tracked, that's not the point. I know who Microsoft is, and Google. I have no idea who WiseCleaner is. I'll take a look at it. Just a good reminder (and hot button for @Steve over the years) so I'm trained now to always read the EULA. And no, I don't run around with tin foil on my head hehehe but I have been reading @Steve blog for years and years so he's got me all paranoid now about this kind of thing. O.o

    I downloaded my Wise Uninstaller directly from the programmer's website.

    I see what you mean about the download at Major Geeks saying that the software is Ad Supported.

    I recommend that if you are going to try the software that you download it from here...http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-program-uninstaller.html

  3. 5 minutes ago, ShockerSH said:

    so I'm trained now to always read the EULA

    Always a good habit but not many people take the time or effort.

    Have you ever checked out the EULAlyzer ?

    It's a very small but handy tool that analyzes the EULA for you.

    There is a paid and free version. I use the free one.

    It only takes seconds to use. Check it out and let me know what you think.



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  4. 4 minutes ago, ShockerSH said:

    @Profiler Looks like the tool is freeware but "Ad Supported". How does that look? Where are the ads inserted? Are they tracking me like google. I just hate free stuff that really isn't..... free....


    @ShockerSH,  Where do you see that it is Ad Supported?

    TBH, I have never seen any advertisements and I don't see where it says that anywhere.

    Perhaps I am not looking in the right place?

    This is what my Wise Program Uninstaller looks like.....


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