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Everything posted by holdum333

  1. Hi @cidi You can see in this screen shot that I can't make any changes until I create another user account. There has to be at least one Administrator account.
  2. Hi! @cidi Sorry I'm late responding! Here's some more information on Take Ownership. I don't understand your issue with administrative or how you disabled it . There has to be at least one administrator, Do you have more then one ?? There's a possibility that you have malware. I can see that a account has been disabled in your screen shot. I do not have Windows Pro. I will attach a screen shot of what I see in my Admin Account. Have you tried unchecking where it says disable this account?? Here's link about Take Ownership! Keep me informed and I'll try my best to help you solve this issue! http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/3841-take-ownership-add-context-menu-windows-10-a.html
  3. holdum333

    Amazon Sale

    Hey Rich! You don't like W10. You don't like Dell. You don't like HP, and now I find out you don't like Amazon or eBay; or as you say, they fall down in sale enticements. You are funny @Rich-M Welcome to windows10forum! Have you checked out the sister forum yet. Give it a look! good stuff here! Technology News, Tips, Reviews, and How To Galleries
  4. Hi Sorry your thread was never addressed. The forum was being redone and some things got over looked. I see guests clicking on your thread, so thought I would give it a shot. The first thing I would try is a restore to a earlier time when the App was working. Here is a link by HTG that addresses how to remove and reinstall the Apps. http://windows10forum.com/topic/305-new-forum-software/ http://www.howtogeek.com/224798/how-to-uninstall-windows-10s-built-in-apps-and-how-to-reinstall-them/
  5. Hi! That's not many stories for Pa. Also I doubt if many people will even be made aware of the offer from MS. There seem to be several stores in Oklahoma. Time is running out, so I doubt if MS gets many takers. MS sure wants everyone to up grade!
  6. Don't know a TonyD! I will never let that happen again. The sad part is that I have no idea why the PC went into a black screen, and would not boot into windows. I can only guess that while trying to up date to W10 , the OS became so corrupted it would not boot. After going back to factory,the W10 up grade completed and all was fine.
  7. Hi @Rich-M How do you know these things?? You say these things without any confirmed data to back up what you're saying. Please attach some data to confirm what you're posting. You don't like W10. You don't like Dell and you don't like HP. Do you have more products you don't like and want to share them here? I have a very old Hp printer and the scan doctor identified my printer; found the drivers, installed them and my printer works just fine!
  8. I don't know what to say or how to comment to the above. If there were as many people having problems with W10 as you say there are, there would be protests in the streets! It will never be the only show in town and no one knows what the future will bring!
  9. Hi ! I have no idea where we are in this conversation. If you have a verified W10 version of W10, there is no charge for doing a clean install, and you can do that as often as you like. W10 is a combination of W7& W8.1. What was it supposed to be? I haven't see any promise by MS of a compromise from W8.1. I'm thinking that's what you wanted it to be. Here's screen shot of my desktop. Looks just like my W7 did. The average user will see very little difference from their old OS!
  10. OK! I see nothing wrong with Dell. I spend a lot of time with doctors. The only brand I have seen in their examining rooms are Dell, but that's another story. I think you should start a thread about some of the problems you are having with W10 and see if you get any comments or suggestions here. I personally would like to hear why your clients all want to roll back their PCs. I know you will want the last word as always, so you can have it; but I would really like to hear about all those problems you experience with the update that this old country boy would never see on a 5 year old Toshiba laptop, and I'm sure MS would like to hear about them also! I would like to hear about all the problems you are having that I'm not seeing here on all the seniors PCs that I work on. I see all brands. A lot of Dells and a lot of HPs and some others. Even a Toshiba laptop like mine, but newer!
  11. Wow! Who can understand all that crap?? Sounds more like a promotional scam to me! Thanks for the update @Steve that's a lot of fine print and you posted it pretty fine. I had to use my CTRL + to read your post LOL!
  12. Hi @birdman Here's a post I made! http://windows10forum.com/topic/432-a-must-read-if-you-havent-upgraded-to-w10/#comment-1298 Have you thought about using the Media Creation Tool to upgrade to W10! Here's link. If you have more questions or have solved your problem, we would like to hear from you! PS Posting this as I've seen other members clicking on this thread!! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10/
  13. News from groovypost. MS offering free PC if they can't upgrade you to W10. Can this be true?? MS must be desperate to get all PC users on W10! Can someone check this out and see if this is for real?
  14. Hi! Macrium Reflect is a dear and old friend of mine. I have been using Macrium to create back up images for several years. Instead of rolling back a clients PC, have you thought about saving their data and doing a clean install. I have only had one PC in my village that I had to restore to factory and then upgrade it to W10. I have to confess, that one caught me by surprise and though I was able to complete the upgrade, I lost some data. That was very embarrassing to me, and from now on I will create a back up image before upgrading any more PCs. http://www.groovypost.com/howto/windows-10-iso-download/
  15. Hey @Rich-M Here you go free computers for you and your 10-12 customers a week. You must have a really good business Rich! I'm wondering what @Steve and @Brian have to say about all this. Maybe they will comment. Here's offer for a free computer if MS can't update your PC to W10! http://www.groovypost.com/news/microsoft-answer-desk-help-upgrade-windows-10-free-dell-computer/
  16. Hey Rich! Here you go! This is from groovypost. They are a sister forum to windows10forum! Take the challenge and get a free PC! http://www.groovypost.com/news/microsoft-answer-desk-help-upgrade-windows-10-free-dell-computer/
  17. Hi It has just been pointed out to me there is a similar link on groovypost. I searched but I guess I missed this! I'll do better in the future! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/check-computer-runs-windows-10/
  18. Hi @Rich-M Here's a good read for you about W10! Not all PCs will be compatible for the free upgrade. Here's a link by Shawn that has a lot of good information before you upgrade to W10. The time is growing short for you to decide to make the free upgrade. After the end of July, W10 will cost you! The anniversary update is scheduled August 2. I hope it goes smoothly, but I'm sure there will be a few bugs! http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/6728-get-windows-10-app-check-compatibility-report-windows-10-a.html
  19. Hi IMHO this is a must read for anyone that has not upgraded to W10 yet. It could save you some grief! I hope this helps someone here on the forum! Thanks Shawn Brink!! http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/6728-get-windows-10-app-check-compatibility-report-windows-10-a.html The compatibility report in the Get Windows 10 app makes sure your PC can run Windows 10. The report also lists any problems with your devices, apps, PC, and other important info you need to know before you upgrade. Microsoft regularly test different apps and devices for compatibility and will update the report if we discover any changes. Find more detailed info about the compatibility of a specific app or device at the Windows Compatibility Center.
  20. Hi @cidi Would like to hear if you have solved your problem. If you have I would like to know what you done. If you still need help, someone on the forum will try to get a solution to your problem if there is a solution. Here's a freeware program that might help. It's called Take Ownership It works for me some times! http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/add-take-ownership-to-explorer-right-click-menu-in-vista/
  21. Hi! @Rich-M LMAO. Don't mean to be disrespectful my friend, but I have just read some of your replies here on the forum, and you say you have rolled back all your PCs to W7, after having tons of issues with W10. Those restore options are for PC users that want a quick fix; and maybe they don't have the skills to fix the issues they are having like you do. LOL. It is my understanding that this forum deals mainly with W10 issues. If you aren't running W10 on your PC, IMHO it will be hard to suggest solutions to their problems. Welcome to the forum and thank you for your input!
  22. Hi! @Rich-M What are you referring to when you say " I have been hoping that the paid version available after this "FREE" period ends will solve all the issues I have seen." I have helped several seniors here in my retirement village upgrade to W10. I only had a problem with one PC. I had to take it back to factory before it would upgrade to W10. I have not seen any of the issues you say you are having! If your happy with W7, then that's what you should use. You will have 4 more years of support for W7. Who knows what will happen between now and 2020.LOL
  23. Hi @Rich-M I don't understand why you are having so much trouble with W10. I'm not having any of the problems you are having. In my researching of W10; 98% of PC users aren't having issues with the up grade. The issues users are having are minor. I'm loving W10. If you were having problems with your PC before up grading to W10, then those problems will probably follow you. Are you sure you understand what W10 reset does?? To me it's a clean install of W10! Here's what groovypost has to say about W10 reset! http://www.groovypost.com/howto/windows-10-reset-your-pc-feature/
  24. Hi @Rich-M Not sure what your asking?? You can hover your mouse over Activity and then click on Unread Content!
  25. Hi! I'm not aware of how you can delete the ability to operate as administrator. The first thing I would try is to restore to a earlier time. Have you tried clicking on User Accounts in control panel? You may get more suggestions from other forum members latter! http://www.howtogeek.com/125852/htg-explains-how-system-restore-works-in-windows/
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