Toshiba Display Utility is currently not supported on Windows 10 Creators Update
If you have a Toshiba system, make sure you remove the Toshiba Display Utility before attempting to upgrade. A Microsoft Community Forum posts notes the utility is currently not compatible with the Windows 10 Creators Update.
QuoteThe Toshiba Display Utility is currently not supported on Windows 10 Creators Update. If you have this app installed on your device, you will not receive the update and will be prevented from installing the Creators Update.
To install the Creators Update from the software download site, please uninstall the Toshiba Display Utility. Source
How to uninstall the Toshiba Display Utility
Press Windows key + X then click Programs and Features
Scroll down, then select the Toshiba Display Utility in the app list, then click Change/uninstall on the command bar. Follow the on screen instructions to remove the software.
A number of OEM's, Toshiba among them have published lists of systems tested for the Creators Update. Users should periodically check the manufacturers website to find out about Windows 10 support.
Dell, HP and Toshiba List Systems Compatible with the Windows 10 Creators Update
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