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Windows 10 Pro Error 0xc000021a - can't boot in safe mode

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Hi, yesterday I was using my PC when all of a sudden it froze and I foolishly turned off the electricity.

Once I turned it on, the blue screen and "error 0xc000021a" appeared. I tried everything, even (in prompt command) Dism, sfc/ scannow, chk disk /f /r, dism/online/cleanup-image/restorehealth, dism /image:E:\ /cleanup-image /revertpendingactions .

After this error occurred, Windows tried to fix it automatically which it then failed and transferred me to the Recovery Environment.

I found out that the windows folder is in Unit E (I don't know why). I tried to reset it, but at 29% it annuls all the changes. It can't even restore the old version or boot in safe mode and neither in online network mode.

I even tried to reinstall windows using a USB, but it didn't work (I properly switched the boot priority order before).

The main issue is that I have no restore points and I absolutely can't lose the data.

What can I do?

I understand that there are several threads with this and I have searched as many as I could find but couldn't find anything that helped (I am Italian, I've tried to translate the better I could)

Thank you in advanced

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