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USB drive stopped working after Windows Update


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Hi, I have a 1TB Toshiba DTP110 USB 3.0 hard Drive connected to my HP ProBook 450 G4 Notebook with Windows 10 Pro (Version 1607, Build 14393.1884) and everything was working until recently I couldn't access the drive.  It showed as F: drive but was no longer labelled as TOSHIBA as before. Initially I thought the drive is busted but it worked in a Dell laptop. Found out that the culprit was a Windows Update KB4051033. After uninstalling the update the drive presented and worked fine again. I opted out of future updates but of course Windows keeps nagging to download and install updates. Yesterday I allowed KB4053579 to install and here we go again, USB drive not working. Uninstalled the update and it works fine again. 

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced issues with USB as apparently Microsoft addressed some USB issues in KB4051033 and I believe they included this in the recent KB4053579. I did try to update the driver but it says it already is the most recent one.

Any help would be appreciated.

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