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Windows Store Slow

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I have Windows Creator on a Dell XPS27.

Recently several weird things are happening. BTW, I have run the Windows Store troubleshooter and Winreset to no avail.

Some of the things I have noted may or may not be related but I am throwing them out for comment.

Weird Events:

1. Microsoft Games such as Solitaire and Majhong ( among others) are slow to connect to the internet to gather game data.  Once they connect they take take a long time to sign in. >:(

2. Windows Store apps and games take forever to download ( 30 minutes to an hour), the same goes for updates.

3. One of my Games, "WordDrop" is corrupted and hangs.  Repeated re-installs don't fix the problem.  I have deleted it in the interim.

4. I am connected directly to a Comcast Bridge. My home network does not connect to my computer and my phones and linux box do not have these problems.

5. I noticed that I cannot ping from the Dell XPS 27.  I can from all other devices.  I entertained refreshing the Broadcom ethernet adapter driver.  I tried to let windows download the latest driver

from the internet but the process goes into a loop requiring that I kill it from the Task Manager.  I ran a diagnostic and the error noted was that the driver could not find its DNS server.  That is why I cannot ping.


Is this mess related to the driver, or something else?  I have a creator driver from Microsoft but, I am not sure if it a good idea to install it 

Helpless in Frustration Land :S

Edited by Eagleshadow
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