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shut down completely - how?

Guest jan11

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I wanna be able to have my Win10 shut down completely. At first I thought it did, but because I was playing with WakeOnLAN features (basically just wanted it to work) I spent way too many hours narrowing it down to a power issue. WOL now works whenever I shut my PC down AND take out the power cord or turn off the power on my PSU manually.

Once I take the power back to my PC without turning it on, my WOL now works just fine.

Needless to say I already tried the obvious choices such as playing around with all the BIOS power options as well as Windows 10 > Hardware & Sound > Power Options > Choose what the power button does > Change settings that are currently unavailble > Untick the "Turn on fast startup (recommended).

I found this tip by searching around like a mad man for a solution to my WOL problems - It wasn't completely waste since I now have it narrowed down to a shut down - power issue.

My PC is custom built and theres no ! or ? showing in my Device Manager, all drivers seemes to be working fine - and my Windows 10 Pro is activated and updated to the newest version.

My hardware is: Intel Desktop Board DZ77BH-55K , Coolermaster Silent Pro Gold 800W Power Supply, 8GB DDR3 RAM, OCZ SSD 240GB, Intel i7 2600K.

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Nope. Sorry I should have mentioned that in my OP, but I already tried this. This was one of the many things I found when Google'ing for this WOL issue that relates to power down problems. It has none effect. The only thing I got working so far to make WOL work is power down the PSU completely or remove the power cable. Which makes WOL useless.

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