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Help configuring Win10 to view multiple webcams


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I have been struggling to resolve an issue I am having attempting to view two Logitech webcams simultaneously on my Dell XPS13 9350 laptop when connected to a 4-port USB-A hub.  Problem is I can only view one camera at a time when both cameras are plugged to the hub.  However, if I plug one camera to the hub and the second directly into a USB port on the laptop it works fine – but for various reasons I’d much rather not do that.

I believe this is a Windows 10 issue.  I have two XPS13 machines configured very similarly.  The only difference I am aware of is one is an i5 processor, the other an i7 (i.e., same video, hard drive, memory, OS version, etc.). 

When I run the cameras on the i5 thru the 4-port hub all works perfectly.  As a test, I “cloned” the i5 machine to an external USB drive.  I then connected the external drive to the i7 and configure it to boot from the external drive – all cameras worked perfectly.  So I know it’s not a hardware issue but presumably an OS issue.

I next performed a Windows reset on the i7 machine reinstalling Win10 but leaving all programs and files intact.  The machine rebooted and the reinstall “appeared” to be OKAY.  However, I could still only view one camera through the USB hub at a time.  Apparently the “reset” didn’t work.

My question if you please – what Win10 setting could possibly be causing this?  I really don’t want to do a complete Windows 10 reinstall if possible as you can imagine this would be very invasive.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Steve K.



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  • 5 months later...

If you're using a desktop computer, the simplest solution is to plug in a USB controller expansion card. These cards plug in to PCIe (or on older computers, PCI) slots inside the computer. Many suitable cards are available, with some having multiple USB controllers on the same card.


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