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Strange permission problems


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Hello, I'm having trouble with some programs when trying to write to folders within the Documents folder.

For example in Lightroom when I try to export phoos to this folder I get "access denied" error. Same with other applications. If I export directly to root for C drive however it works.

I have checked folder permissions and my user has full access and is owner of the folder.

Running the application as Administrator makes no difference.

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On 9/30/2021 at 5:43 PM, Jonas.sj said:

Hello, I'm having trouble with some programs when trying to write to folders within the Documents folder.

For example in Lightroom when I try to export photos to this folder I get "access denied" error. Same with other applications. If I export directly to root for C drive however it works.

I have checked folder permissions and my user has full access and is owner of the folder.

Running the application as Administrator makes no difference.

You say "some programs" does that mean "not all"?  Can you create files there in explorer for example?  Are you replacing files that might be in use? Maybe the disk is corrupted and you need to check and fix it (https://www.alphr.com/fix-hard-drives-chkdsk-windows-10/)?

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Well, i will need more clarification about you actual problem..

Let me help you with whatever I understood from you issue...

You should try the below solution which may help you to fix the error.

 - In the upper right hand corner, there should still be a "Sign Out" button.

- A popup will ask you to sign out/deactivate Creative Cloud.

- Then it should immediately ask you to sign in again

- You should sign in again.


This will work.. just check and revert back..

Jim Wick

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