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auditpol and icacls

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I have a script that resets all permissions on a set of folders and then applies custom permissions. I have another one that set's up auditing on selected folders. For some reason when I run the script that set's up auditing after running the script setting up permissions the permissions on audited folders are set back to default.

To audit I run

$user = "Everyone"

$rules = "Delete,CreateFiles,AppendData"

$Inheritance = "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit"

$type = "Success"

$ACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule($user,$rules,$inheritance,"None",$type)


foreach($folder in $folders){ $ACL | Set-Acl $folder}

auditpol /set /subcategory:"File Share" /success:enable


in the script for permissions I have

takeown /F c:\test /A /R /D Y

icacls c:\test /reset /t /c

icacls c:\test /grant:r "NT Authority\Authenticated Users":(CI) (OI) R

icacls c:\test\item1 /inheritance:r /grant:r "admin group": (CI) (OI) RWD /grant:r "read group": (CI) (OI) R /grant:r "builtin\Administrators": (OI) (CI) F  .....

and more lines in pretty much the same manner for diferent subfolders.

Can someone spot where it goes wrong?

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13 hours ago, jackaustin said:

I have a script that resets all permissions on a set of folders and then applies custom permissions. I have another one that set's up auditing on selected folders. For some reason when I run the script that set's up auditing after running the script setting up permissions the permissions on audited folders are set back to default.

To audit I run

$user = "Everyone"

$rules = "Delete,CreateFiles,AppendData"

$Inheritance = "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit"

$type = "Success" " ICACLS"

$ACL = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity

$rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule($user,$rules,$inheritance,"None",$type)


foreach($folder in $folders){ $ACL | Set-Acl $folder}

auditpol /set /subcategory:"File Share" /success:enable


in the script for permissions I have

takeown /F c:\test /A /R /D Y

icacls c:\test /reset /t /c

icacls c:\test /grant:r "NT Authority\Authenticated Users":(CI) (OI) R

icacls c:\test\item1 /inheritance:r /grant:r "admin group": (CI) (OI) RWD /grant:r "read group": (CI) (OI) R /grant:r "builtin\Administrators": (OI) (CI) F  .....

and more lines in pretty much the same manner for diferent subfolders.

Can someone spot where it goes wrong?

Didn't get any solution

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