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Black screen

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After I upgraded my old pc (which wasnt working anymore) with some new components I found out my pc was from time to time getting the so called "blue screen of death". When this kept on going I reset my pc to the fabric settings. Hours past my pc froze and when I turned it back on it went to a black screen. I assumed it was a windows problem (didnt have a windows key or something) and tried to download the installer on an usb, went into BIOS mode (which worked then) and tried to install windows. I went threw the install progress until I had to wait the installation out. I went to do some things in the meantime. When I went back I saw a black screen, resetted the pc and since then I am not able to get any sort of display on my screen. I opened up my pc, checked the RAM and gpu. I even removed the GPU and plugged a hdmi cable onto the motherboard, which didn't even gave a signal to the monitor (monitor and hdmi cable do work 100%). I have tried everything now. The only thing I can possible think of, is that the BIOS settings for motherboard display is on OFF or something. The problem is I cant get into those settings because I wont display on my screen. 

Any help or advice is appreciated. If you want to help me out while I try your advice/suggestions please add me on discord (Khalid#6546).

Thank you in advance!

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