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Win10 upgrade stopped by mcafee


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I was installing win10 upgrade from Win8 and was told Mcafee was incompatible. Uninstalled Mcafee via Revo uninstaller. Rebooted, started upgrade, but same problem. Discovered Mcafee was running via task manager, although no longer installed. I assume it is running online, as it wthe upgrade still tells me to uninstall Mcafee before it will continue. Task Manager sees Mcafee but cannot end the task. HOW DO I STOP IT FROM RUNNING?

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  • 1 year later...

First let me help you to Stop Mcafee from running in background:-

Follow the steps below to ensure you stop the service:-

- Right-click the McAfee icon at the bottom-right corner of your Windows Desktop.

- Select Change settings > Real-time Scanning from the menu.

- In the Real-Time Scanning status window, click the Turn off button.

- You can now specify when you want Real-Time Scanning to resume.  Then Select When I restart my PC from the drop-down menu.

- Click on the Turn off button to confirm your selection.


This will work, Try it

If you need more further explanation, please do revert back

J. Wick

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