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Need help with the System image recovery issue.


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Need help with the System image recovery issue.

I try doing the system image recovery by holding down the Shift key on my keyboard and restart the PC to get to Windows 10 boot options. I can’t do a system image recovery because every time I try the screen turns black and It says” signal entering the power saving mode shortly”. After I waited 30 minutes, and nothing show up on the screen. It connected to the power adapter. The computer is still on and the fan is running. It’s a new computer. Also, old desktop let me go to image recovery mode.


Things I already try:

"Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power"

“turn off the Power Saving Mode feature 

Computer type:
System Manufacturer/Model Number:
XPS Tower 8930 Desktop
Windows 10 Home 64bit
9th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 9700 (8-Core, 12MB Cache, up to 4.7GHz with Intel(R) Turbo Boost Techno
DDR4 16GBytes
Graphics Card(s):
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
Google Chrome

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