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How to tell if a laptop is Modern before the purchase


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I wish Best Buy's website and others would allow me to select which laptops are considered "Modern".

I went to my local store and asked but they did not have an answer at all.


The community suggested a Microsoft website so I was able to find this information:


To modern connected standby, a PC hardware platform must meet a specific set of requirements. These requirements govern the selection of the SoC chip, DRAM, networking device, and other key hardware components.

Enabling modern standby on a PC platform requires careful planning and engineering. The primary reason for additional engineering is to deliver the low power consumption that the end user expects when the system is in a sleep state and the screen is turned off. Users will not tolerate excessive battery drain, particularly relative to the very good battery life of most smartphones.

The second largest engineering investment for modern standby is to enable low-power communications (Wi-Fi, mobile broadband, and Ethernet). Each communications device includes a significant amount of autonomous processing capability and firmware to allow the platform's SoC or core silicon to power off while connectivity is maintained.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 years later...

Thanks for sharing that resource! For a quick check, you might also look for “Modern Standby” or “Connected Standby” in the laptop's specs or  invisible marketing materials. Laptops that support these features often highlight them as a selling point, so it can be a good indicator of modern capabilities.

Edited by peakyblinder04
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good point! It's frustrating when stores don't provide that info. Checking for "Modern Standby" compatibility, as you did, is definitely a smart move since it helps ensure the laptop has efficient power  Custom Woodwork management and connectivity features.

Edited by michellegrammer09
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