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Posts posted by ACE

  1. Use what works for you. Macrium is good and reliable. I have had Macrium for some years.

    I like testing new software. I am road testing "Casper" at the moment. Very impressed so far.

    I do have a backup of my OS done with Macrium on an external Hard Drive.

    As soon as I make a backup I disconnect the external from the PC because if you are attacked with Ransomeware then your external becomes infected also if connected. I hook the external up only when I wish to transfer Data or a backup.


    • Upvote 1
  2. 53 minutes ago, Rich-M said:

    That may be good in terms of action but I see that guests are allowed to post here and that is one thing I would change immediately as it takes away one of the

    main incentives to joining this forum!

    I wouldn't be telling the owner how to run his Website. LOLguest.png

  3. That's regrettable this happened.

    I have has customers with the exact same issue. Normally hard shut off.

    Booting into Bios, reset boot order and set Bios to defaults.

    This normally gets you booting into the OS again.

    In this day and age backups are most important with all the ransome ware about.

    • Upvote 1
  4. You can do a net search to see the differences between the two.

    Handy Hint.

                     Instead of searching for your CHKDSK Log, use Power Shell and it puts the log report straight on your Desktop.

    In your Search box Type Powershell.exe and press Enter.

    In the command prompt Admin box that shows copy and paste this.

    get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername –match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt

    • Upvote 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Rajesh Ramtere said:

    I tried this solution. But it wont starts my applictaion which is in startup folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp. Give me some better solution

    I haven't a clue where you got Windows10 from or how you validated your copy.

    I also don't know what changes you have made to the Registry.

    I have installed Windows10 on a number of machines and not had this issue.

    As @holdum333 suggests, take this up with Microsoft.

    Sorry I can't help you more.

  6. I guess I was lucky. I typed "Anniversary Update" in the Metro search box, another box popped up that said something like "Get Anniversary Update Now" I clicked on that and followed the prompts. Takes up to 90 mins to complete.

    I never burnt an ISO. A Techy I know stupidly stopped his computer during install and now won't boot nothing.Can't even get into Bios.

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