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Posts posted by holdum333

  1. HI Steve! I'm backing up to two external drives. Good thing because my 1TB seagate just bit the dust. It showed two bad sectiors and when I tried to let the seagate program fix them with their program, it went crazy and BSODed. I don't use Cloud. I really don't have that much data to worry about. I have a little data on the W10 onedrive. Some keys like my MBAM life time, and a few more. Here's a little information about Macrium. It's a little more then I do! Macrium mention Cloud, but I'm not familiar with how that works and Macrium really doesn't explain it very well. I'm a full image guy myself and I don't do differentials. Hope this answered your reply.

    Thanks for a great forum!



    Many organizations store their backups off-site at a local bank or at a different site. Some pay to upload backups to the cloud. Wherever you decide to keep your backups, try to choose a place where the same kinds of disaster, for example flood or fire, would not affect both the system and the backup. You also need to consider how secure your backup is where it is stored

    • Upvote 1
  2. OK! Thanks! That explains it. Thought I might have been doing some thing wrong. I won't worry about that one then!:D

    I want to be on all your forums! I just registered for the free news letter! That went well! I'm really enjoying all this.

    Thanks my friend! The forum is not boring any more!xDxD

  3. Hi Steve! Thanks! I think I understand! I'm just a simple old country boy and I live in a retirement center in a small cottage. Not much room. I just run my old Toshiba laptop and a HP printer. I'm thinking Macrium Reflect would do all that also! I think you have it well covered my friend. Thanks Steve!

    Great forum my friend! Thanks I'm really enjoying and learning some great stuff here.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Steve said:

    Crashplan user for YEARS. I love it. I backup all my PC's at home to a single box (FREE), then backup that box to the Crashplan cloud. No complaints. If you end up giving Backblaze a shot, let us know how it ends up.

    Hi Steve! Please explain (FREE box) I think you mean a external drive. I just lost a seagate 1TB external yesterday. I'm not a happy camper, but I had the most important data on another external drive, so no worries. I'm a little down on seagate at this moment. Think I'll try a WD

    Good to see some action here on the forum. I was hoping for that!

    Can someone tell me why my posts are double spacing?


  5. To get that classic F8 behavior back we need to restore the legacy boot menu policy. To do this, hit the Win + X keyboard combination and launch and elevated command prompt.

    When the command prompt opens, run the following:

    bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
    That’s really all there is to it. Now, when your computer boots up, you can mash the F8 key to view the classic Advanced Boot Options.

    If you want to return the boot menu back to normal, you can use this command:

    bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy standard



  6. Problem Steps Recorder. Suppose you are having some troubles in your Windows 10 system and you want to rectify the errors through a certain process. And you want to let others also know about the process. If you allow this tool then it will record each and every action that you go through to complete the task. The recording will be saved as a ZIP file. You will get the screenshots of every action along with the details. It's also a great way to show grandma how to use a program. Jut send her the Zip file in email!

    You can use Problem Steps Recorder in Windows 10 by following the steps given below:

    1. Use any account to sign-in or log on to your Windows 10 laptop or desktop computer.
    2. On the desktop screen, click inside the Search bar present next to the Start button.
    3. Type PSR and from the displayed suggestions, click Steps Recorder.
    4. From the opened Steps Recorder program’s bar, click Start Record
    5. As the recording starts, perform the actions that you wish to explain to the technical professional.
    6. Once done, click Stop Record.

    Here's a very simple example using the toll!


    Windows defender.zip

  7. Hi Your welcome! I'm using the Photo Gallery on W10 and I do not have a problem using it, or Photos. I prefer Photos, but it's what ever you get use to and like.

    What problem are you having . Did you click on my last posted link?

  8. "When it comes to hidden gems in Windows, nothing beats the Reliability monitor tool, hidden behind a link inside of another tool that you don’t use either. Why Microsoft doesn’t shine more light on this really useful troubleshooting tool, we’ll never know.

    Reliability Monitor tracks the history of your computer — any time an application crashes, hangs, or Windows gives you a blue screen of death. It also tracks other important events, like when software is installed, or Windows Updates loads a new patch." HTG

    Mine doesn't look to good, but I know what happened!




  9. Hey ShockerSH! The report doesn't look well for Seagate! I just lost my 1TB Seagate external drive. I had a lot of back up images on it. I'm not a happy camper about that. Probably won't need the images as most were W7 and I have up graded to W10, but still not happy.

    What do you think about WD? Do you have a preference? 1TB will be plenty for me!

  10. Heya ShockerSH! Thanks for the welcome! Good to hear from another member. Not much going on here. I'm hoping the forum picks up some action soon. I have talked to Steve a little and Steve told me he was trying to get the forum going again. Looks like a good place to hang out. Hoping someone will have a issue that maybe I can help them with!

    Yes I play a little Texas-Hold-um for free on the internet. Do you play??

  11. Hi Shocker! I've been looking for a little action here on the forum. Looks like there are two of us now. I'm just a simple man with a simple plan.

    I'm 78 years young, and live in a small cottage in a retirement village in Oklahoma. We don't have a lot of room. I run a Toshiba lap top and a HP Photosmart7510 printer.

    Always looking for forums where I can learn new things and help with things I have learned from others. Thanks for the link. I'll give it a look.

    Here's a speccy log. My hard drive is a spinner. I have a quad core processor and my lap top runs really cool.



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