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Posts posted by holdum333

  1. Hi ShockerSH! I don't know where it came from. I had several pages open. I was here on the forum and had several other pages open. I got a flash pop up saying "Defender stopped  malicious malware" Or some thing similar to that!  I feel safe with WD and MBAM running in real time. I always have a back up image ready. That's the best defense you can have! I have heard that these Ransomeware threats are getting popular. Always a A-hole out there using the internet to scam people. Use safe surfing habits with WD and MBAM Pro and You should be good!

  2. Your welcome! I like that Thnx H. You can call me H. or you can call me Okie. But please don't call me late for super!

    Great forum my friend. Thanks! I'm going to do my Image result for laughing donkey images very best to make it even better. I'm on a roll. You all get off your duff and rate this forum with WOT!

  3. Hi I have to share this with someone here on the forum. Senior asked to help them upgrading to W10 today. No big deal. I have done that many times. MS wanted to do the upgrade with windows updates. I thought that might be cool and so I started the process. Three hours later. The upgrade failed. No big deal I'll go on the web and upgrade with the MCT. Two hours later at 92%, the upgrade failed and the damn PC will no longer boot into W7. I tried restoring to a earlier time and also tried the repair feature. No go! I preach all the time how important it is to create a back up image and then like a damn fool, I tried taking a short cut and now I'm paying the price. I'll get there one way or another, but right now I'm really pissed and embraced. Don't be stupid. Create a back up image of your OS with a 3rd party program like Macrium Reflect and save yourself all this grief that I'm having now. I guess the good thing about all this is that I never except one penny for my labor.

    If you have a story like this, please share it and make me feel better for being a complete idiot. I'll get over all this and you can be assured this will never happen to me again.

    What the Hell was I thinking? I know better. I guess I'll have to blame it on being senile! Damn it! I'm felling better now; that I have confessed to being a complete idiot. LOL

    Hey Steve! Hey Brian! Can you top this compete  laps of sanity? It will be hard to do!


  4. OK ! I'm hoping this command will work for you. It will hang at 20% for a long time. It took mine 30 minutes,but yours might take longer! Be sure to reboot after every sfc /scannow. We have to get your file system cleaned up because it can cause all kinds of weird problems. I'm learning new things along with you on this.

    Have you used the snipping tool before W10?? I can give you a link to another free program that works just as well as it does.

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

  5. Hi Farmer! If you're still watching this, you might give this a shot !

    Run this command in command prompt. It may take a long time depending on how corrupted your files are!


    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth


  6. Hi! For anyone following this thread; I have successfully completed the Dism commands. I'm now able to run sfc /scannow and no file violations are found. Here's screen shot of the last command prompt I ran. I hope this helps someone here on the forum. I'm trying very hard to make a good hand here!LOL

    I would like to give my best regards to Shawn Brink for his excellent tutorial on Dism!

    Here's the command I ran!

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth



  7. Hi Simon! I'm a 12 year cancer survivor and give up is not in my vocabulary. Lets try one more command in command prompt and see what you get. Then I will not bother you further!

    Copy and paste this command!

    Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:wim:Full Path to install.wim file:1

  8. My pleasure Simon. I wish you were closer. I would teach you how to create back up images of your Operating System and you would never have to worry again.

    The in-place repair upgrade should work, but I can not guarantee that; and I would really hate it if you lost all your farming records.

    I live in a retirement village in Oklahoma 300+ seniors. I help them with their printers and PCs. I never charge for my labor. I do get lots of pies, cakes and cobblers for my labor of love. I'm very popular here. Take a tour of my village my new friend!


  9. HI my fiend! I'm thinking that a local repair shop would do the in-place-repair-upgrade for a small fee; when ever you think you need to do that. I wish you were close. I would do it for free.

    I recommend doing the repair upgrade because having corrupted files will cause other problems.

    If a Windows Resource Protection (WRP) file is missing or is corrupted, Windows may not behave as expected. For example, some Windows functions may not work, or Windows may crash.

  10. 5 minutes ago, farmers friend said:

    You are going to wish that Farmers Friend hadn't turned up!  Part of the problem is that I am 80 and most of the jargon is beyond me!  As I said I used the sfc scan 4 times and then entered various suggestions that you made with no success at all.  I may have to go to our local computer firm and get it sorted.  I didn't feel like paying money to correct a fault in a programme, W10, that was forced onto me, I was unable to stop the download when it arrived!

    Hi my friend! I'm 78 years old and self taught. I will stay with you as long as you want my suggestions. My recommendation at this time would be a in-place-repair-upgrade.

    The suggestions that I made should have fixed your file corruption. I don't know what you saw while using the command prompt or why we couldn't fix the files.

    I would never wish that you hadn't turned up and I have enjoyed sharing these things. I will understand if you don't want to continue. I wish you the very best my friend!


  11. IMHO Your file system is corrupted. It can be fixed with the link my Shawn Brink that I posted; but the easiest why to fix this is with a in-place-repair upgrade.

    I can't see what your putting in the command prompt. The best way is to copy and paste the commands. You should be able to do a in-place-repair-upgrade and only lose the windows up dates. I have done it before and it works well. You will need to make the decision. It's very important that your file system is healthy and not corrupted. You should back up all your important data before doing the in-place-repair-upgrade. There are other options- Refresh and Reset are two!

    You will have to decide what you want to do.

    Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade - Windows 10 Forums

  12. Hi I see you're logged on! If I'm going to be able to help you, I need to know what you have done. You say you ran sfc 4 times?

    It's time to move on. Have you ran my last command prompt? We need to communicate on the forum and not through PMs


  13. You would use /CheckHealth to only check whether the image has been flagged as corrupted by a failed process and whether the corruption can be repaired. This is just a quick way to see if corruption currently exists, and to inform you if there is corruption. This does not fix anything or create a log. This will finish running almost instantly.

    A) In the elevated command prompt, copy and paste the command below!

    arrow.png Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth




  14. Hi! Got your PM! It's better that we discus all this on the forum. Please post every thing you have done. We will need to have a sfc /scannow  that looks like the one I posted. Some times the scan will have to be ran three times before all the files are fixed. You said the snipping tool was better??

    If we can't fix all the files this way, we may need to do a in-place-repair-upgrade, or even a clean install. If we can't fix all the file violations;there will be other problems with your PC. I'll watch for your reply. Please post as much information as you can and screen shots will help if the sniping tool works.

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