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Windows 10 system restarts without warning


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My system has several problems that seem to be related that started around the beginning of August (maybe related to a windows update that I have since uninstalled?)

1. Sometimes it restarts without warning but usually when something is clicked.

2. The hard drive light is on solid (not flickering at all). Task Manager shows SYSTEM using 360 MB/s (see attached image) and my internal storage Drive G has 50% activity (see attached image) even though none of the files are being accessed.

3. After shut down it restarts, and then a second attempt to shut down works.

I have scanned for malware, cleaned up my Start Up menu, turned off or disabled all the things web posts recommended.

My processor was running hot, about 72 C but I replaced the fan with a liquid cooling kit and got the temp down to around 35 C.

How should I proceed next?


Task Manager - Disk Usage by SYSTEM.jpg

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