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speech recognition


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I have a desktop that was built before windows 10.

I would like to be able to dictate into Word. Right now, I stymied.


I bought a ZT 7645Mi desktop in 2012. It came with Windows 7 home premium which I upgraded to windows 10 in 7/2/2017.


I opened control panel > Ease of access > Speech recognition > Configure your speech recognition experience.

I was presented with a list of things to do. The following is the list and the errors I got when I tried to open them


Start speech recognition

Error: Speech recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported.

QUESTION. How do I change this?


Set up microphone

Error: Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.


Take the speech tutorial

Error: Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.


Train your computer to better understand you

Error: Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.

QUESTION. How do I change this?


Open the speech reference card

Microsoft support opens and displays the speech commands


Advanced speech options.

Error: The requested task cannot be carried out because the necessary engine could not be created. Please select a different engine and/or a different audio device.

QUESTION. How do I select a different audio device?


Are there any other solutions to this problem? Third party downloads maybe?


Can Someone help me?

Jim Birke

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